You can make deal directly with a buyer / supplier.

There are 2 options:
1. Supplier and buyer directly sign a purchase contract.
2. We and supplier will sign a trading contract, at the same time, we and buyer sign another trading contract.In this case, we will be the guarantor of the purchase between the supplier and the buyer.

Buyers can sign a contract directly with a factory/supplier.You can discuss with them about the payment term.In case you don't want to sign direclty with them, we can sign with you as a trading company.

We request quotes from several logistics companies at once.And you can decide which logistics company to use based on the quotes and conditions.

This is the factory's (supplier's) cost. Therefore, no any broker fees included.

We will provide each services when the customer needs. The fee depends on the services.You will see more details in Our Consultant Services.

For buyers for free.
For suppliers depending on membership. You will see more details on Pricing.

You can search or go to Leads -> Contact Buyer in each Buyer Requirement.

There are 3 points.
1. Buyers search for products and your uploaded products will rise to the top of the search results like SEO.
2. Some buyers will look at the membership rank of the supplier.
3. Paid customers can contact more buyers directly.
These are the major differences from free membership. Therefore, orders are not guaranteed.

When buyers join our site, they have to select which country they are from. Therefore we have the data and can make buyer's statistics.

The benefits depend on each membership package. You will see more details in Pricing.

When joining membership in VIETNAMFACTORY, the suppliers will agree with our Privacy Policy in our site.

Yes, We have partnerships with TUV Vietnam and SGS Vietnam as well as logistics companies. Therefore, they will provide you with the information you need.

Yes, there is logistics team who will provide the suppliers with necessary information.

We will provide each services when the customer needs. The fee depends on the services.You will see more details in Our Consultant Services. .

There are 2 options:
1. Supplier and buyer directly sign a purchase contract.
2. We and supplier will sign a trading contract, at the same time, we and buyer sign another trading contract.In this case, we will be the guarantor of the purchase between the supplier and the buyer.

You can make deal directly with a buyer / supplier.

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